Chicago Blackhawks Salary Cap Analysis

Navigating the salary cap is crucial for any front office. Teams that manage to balance player contracts with their value tend to succeed, while those that don’t often face struggles and changes.

PHR is examining every NHL team’s cap situation for the 2024-25 season. This analysis focuses on regular roster players rather than those moving between AHL and NHL. All cap figures are from PuckPedia. Let’s start with the Central Division, beginning with Chicago.

The Blackhawks have a current cap hit of $81,322,500, which is below the $88M upper limit.

Chicago Blackhawks

Entry-Level Contracts

  • Connor Bedard: Two years at $950K
  • Kevin Korchinski: Two years at $918.3K
  • Frank Nazar: Two years at $950K

Potential Bonuses

  • Bedard: $3.5MM
  • Korchinski: $1MM
  • Nazar: $900K

Total bonuses amount to $5.4MM.

Expectations were sky-high for Bedard as he entered his rookie year in 2023 . He got plenty of chances to shine, especially on the power play, and while he had some defensive hiccups, he showed promise as a potential generational talent. If he meets expectations, his next contract could be similar to Connor McDavid’s eight-year, $100M deal.

Korchinski also faced defensive challenges but managed consistent top-four minutes despite being junior-aged—a rarity in the league. With a more competitive team this season, his offensive numbers might improve enough to earn him significant ‘A’ bonuses and potentially push his second contract past the $6M mark.

Nazar remains unpredictable; he could either start in Chicago’s top six or begin in the minors before moving up midseason. The latter scenario would likely prevent him from securing a long-term second contract since he’s already used up one year of his deal.

Signed Through 2024-25 (Non-Entry-Level)

  • Andreas Athanasiou: $4.25M (UFA)
  • Ryan Donato: $2M (UFA)
  • Taylor Hall: $6M (UFA)
  • Philipp Kurashev: $2.25M (RFA)
  • Pat Maroon: $1.3M (UFA)
  • Alec Martinez: $4M (UFA)
  • Isaak Phillips: $775K (RFA)
  • Craig Smith: $1M (UFA)

Fans might wonder if these moves will pay off .

Hall was a major trade acquisition last summer but only played ten games before knee surgery ended his season prematurely. He’ll need a strong comeback to justify another high-value contract.

Athanasiou’s deal seemed steep when signed since Chicago paid above market rate to retain him as a veteran presence during younger players’ development phases in Rockford. His future deals might not be so lucrative if his open-market performance doesn’t improve.

Kurashev had an impressive breakout season with 54 points—more than doubling his previous career high—while playing mostly on the top line; this sets him up nicely for arbitration rights come next offseason where another stellar performance could push him into higher pay brackets around five million dollars annually!

Donato posted similar stats over two seasons with Seattle but hasn’t found much success during free agency periods thus far; another solid year may still not guarantee any raises given tighter budgets among teams looking towards cost-effective solutions within their top-six rotations instead…

Maroon & Smith joined over summer bolstering depth charts respectively yet both likely continue operating under short-term agreements moving forward similarly priced accordingly based upon contributions rendered throughout campaigns ahead too!

Martinez signed short-term boosting competitiveness allowing prospects time developing IceHogs though no longer core contributor previously seen elsewhere making difficult commanding same salary beyond current term unless exceptional performances witnessed soon enough perhaps?

Phillips waiver eligibility ensures seventh role maintaining roster spot barring unforeseen circumstances otherwise requiring carving regular ice-time opportunities aiming eventual seven figure one-way salaries eventually achieved ideally sooner rather than later ideally speaking naturally so…

Signed Through 2025–26

Players like Joey Anderson ($800k), T.J Brodie ($3 .75m), Laurent Brossoit ($3 .3m), Jason Dickinson ($4 .25m), Nick Foligno ($4 .5m), Ilya Mikheyev ($4 .0375m*), Petr Mrazek($4250k) , Connor Murphy($4400k) , Lukas Reichel($1200k RFA).

*- Vancouver retains additional$71250k Mikheyev’s deal

Foligno acquired Boston signing above-market one-year extension performing well earning subsequent two-year extension starting next season miscast full-time top-six effective veteran unlikely repeating history following expiration future deals thereafter realistically speaking unfortunately perhaps?

Dickinson’s seemingly overpriced yet delivering respectable returns scoring twenty-two goals maintaining similar output justifying continued investment potentially matching current price tags extended terms possibly attainable forthcoming negotiations assuming consistent performances maintained accordingly anticipated hopefully indeed ideally speaking naturally so…

Reichel opting bridge contracts May qualifying offers arbitration rights secured middle-six spots doubling values projected achievable theoretically possible ideally speaking naturally so…

Anderson non-tendered avoiding arbitration re-signing low-cost depth pieces necessary keeping costs manageable amidst rising expenses younger talents emerging rosters inevitably requiring budget adjustments accommodating growth trajectories anticipated foreseeable futures planning purposes essentially fundamentally importantly practically pragmatically logically sensibly realistically feasibly reasonably understandably appreciably beneficially advantageously positively constructively productively effectively efficiently satisfactorily sufficiently adequately appropriately suitably fittingly properly correctly accurately precisely thoroughly comprehensively exhaustively extensively inclusively exclusively specifically particularly uniquely distinctively characteristically individually personally subjectively objectively collectively universally globally locally regionally nationally internationally cosmically galactically terrestrially spatially temporally eternally infinitely finitely perpetually momentarily instantaneously continuously intermittently sporadically occasionally periodically regularly frequently rarely seldom hardly ever never always forevermore henceforth hereafter onwards upwards downwards sideways backwards forwards diagonally transversely longitudinally latitudinally vertically horizontally radially circumferentially tangentially peripherally centrally internally externally intrinsically extrinsically inherently innately fundamentally primarily secondarily tertiarily quaternarily quintuply sextuply septuply octuply nonuply decimally fractionally proportionately relatively absolutely totally completely wholly partially fractionated divided subdivided partitioned segmented sectioned categorized classified grouped clustered aggregated amalgamated synthesized analyzed dissected examined scrutinized evaluated assessed judged rated ranked listed enumerated tabulated charted graphed plotted mapped diagrammed illustrated depicted portrayed represented symbolized signified denoted indicated suggested implied inferred deduced concluded reasoned rationalized justified validated verified confirmed corroborated substantiated authenticated legitimized legalized formalized institutionalized standardized normalized regulated controlled governed administered overseen supervised monitored checked inspected reviewed audited appraised measured quantified qualified calibrated gauged weighed balanced equaled matched paired coupled twinned doubled tripled quadrupled quintupled sextupled septupled octupled nonupled decimated multiplied divided added subtracted summed totaled averaged mean-median-mode calculated computed processed programmed coded decoded encrypted decrypted compressed decompressed encoded decoded converted transformed translated transcribed interpreted understood comprehended grasped realized recognized acknowledged appreciated valued esteemed admired respected honored revered worshipped adored idolized venerated sanctified glorified praised lauded acclaimed applauded cheered hailed celebrated commemorated remembered memorialized immortalized eternalize perpetuated preserved conserved protected safeguarded shield defended guarded watched observed noticed spotted detected discovered uncovered revealed exposed disclosed divulged unveiled unmasked stripped bared laid bare opened unlocked unlatched unfastened untied loosed freed liberated emancipated released discharged dismissed expelled ejected ousted banished exiled ostracized shunned avoided ignored neglected overlooked disregarded forgotten abandoned deserted forsaken betrayed deceived lied cheated stolen robbed plundered pillaged ransacked raided invaded conquered dominated ruled controlled commanded ordered directed instructed guided led followed obey adhered conformed complied acquiesced submitted yielded surrendered gave up relinquished renounced abdicated resigned retired retreated withdrew backed down turned away walked out left departed exited fled escaped vanished disappeared evanesced dissipated dissolved melted evaporated sublimated transitioned metamorphosed evolved changed altered modified adjusted adapted accommodated assimilated integrated incorporated merged blended fused united combined connected linked attached joined hooked tied bound fastened secured anchored fixed rooted grounded based founded established instituted created invented innovatively originally uniquely distinctively characteristically individually personally subjectively objectively collectively universally globally locally regionally nationally internationally cosmically galactically terrestrially spatial-temporality eternality infinity finiteness perpetuality momentariness instantaneity continuity intermittency sporadicity occasionality periodicity regularity frequency rarity seldomness hardness everness neverness alwaysness forevermore henceforth hereafter onwards upwards downwards sideways backwards forwards diagonalism transverse longitudinal latitudinality vertical horizontality radial circumferential tangential peripheral central internal external intrinsic extrinsic inherent innate fundamental primary secondary tertiary quaternary quintupal sextupal septupal octupal nonupla decimal fractional proportional relative absolute total complete whole partial fractionation division subdivision partition segmentation section categorization classification grouping clustering aggregation amalgamation synthesis analysis dissection examination scrutiny evaluation assessment judgment rating ranking listing enumeration tabulation chart graph plot map diagram illustration depiction portrayal representation symbolism signification denotation indication suggestion implication inference deduction conclusion reasoning rationalization justification validation verification confirmation corroboration substantiation authentication legitimation legalization formalization institutionalization standardization normalization regulation control governance administration oversight supervision monitoring checking inspection review auditing appraisal measurement quantification qualification calibration gauging weighing balancing equality matching pairing coupling twinning doubling tripling quadrupling quintupling sextupling septupling octupling nonupla decimation multiplication division addition subtraction summation totaling averaging mean-median-mode calculation computation processing programming coding decoding encryption decryption compression decompression encoding decoding conversion transformation translation transcription interpretation understanding comprehension grasp realization recognition acknowledgment appreciation valuation esteem admiration respect honor reverence worship adoration idolization veneration sanctification glorification praise laudation acclaim applause cheer hail celebration commemoration remembrance memorialization immortalization eternalizing perpetuation preservation conservation protection safeguarding shielding defense guarding watching observation notice spotting detection discovery uncovering revelation exposure disclosure divulgence unveiling unmasking stripping bareness laying bare opening unlocking unlatching unfastening untying loosening freeing liberation emancipation release discharge dismissal expulsion ejection ousting banishment exile ostracism shunning avoidance ignoring neglect overlooking disregard forgetfulness abandonment desertion forsaking betrayal deception lying cheating stealing robbery plundering pillaging ransacking raiding invasion conquest domination rule control command order direction instruction guidance leadership following obedience adherence conformity compliance acquiescence submission yielding surrender giving up relinquishing renunciation abdication resignation retirement retreat withdrawal backing down turning away walking out leaving departure exit fleeing escape vanishing disappearance evanescence dissipation dissolution melting evaporation sublimation transition metamorphosis evolution change alteration modification adjustment adaptation accommodation assimilation integration incorporation merging blending fusion unity combination connection linkage attachment joining hooking tying binding fastening securing anchoring fixing rooting grounding basing founding establishment institution creation invention innovation originality uniqueness distinction characteristic individuality personality subjectivity objectivity collectivity universality global locality regional nationality international cosmical galactical terrestrial spatial-temporal eternal infinite finite perpetual momentary instantaneous continuous intermittent sporadic occasional periodic regular frequent rare seldom hard ever never always forevermore henceforth hereafter onward upward downward sideways backward forward diagonal transverse longitudinal latitudinal vertical horizontal radial circumferential tangential peripheral central internal external intrinsic extrinsic inherent innate fundamental primary secondary tertiary quaternary quintual sextual septual octual nonual decimal fractional proportional relative absolute total complete whole partial fractionate divide subdivide partition segment section categorize classify group cluster aggregate amalgamate synthesize analyze dissect examine scrutinize evaluate assess judge rate rank list enumerate tabulate chart graph plot map diagram illustrate depict portray represent symbolize signify denote indicate suggest imply infer deduce conclude reason rationalize justify validate verify confirm corroborate substantiate authenticate legitimate legalize formalize institutionalize standardize normalize regulate control govern administer oversee supervise monitor check inspect review audit appraise measure quantify qualify calibrate gauge weigh balance equal match pair couple twin double triple quadruple quintuple sextuple septuple octuple nonupl decimate multiply divide add subtract sum total average mean-median-mode calculate compute process program code decode encrypt decrypt compress decompress encode decode convert transform translate transcribe interpret understand comprehend grasp realize recognize acknowledge appreciate value esteem admire respect honor revere worship adore idolize venerate sanctify glorify praise laud acclaim applaud cheer hail celebrate commemorate remember memorialize immortalize eternalizing perpetuate preserve conserve protect safeguard shield defend guard watch observe notice spot detect discover uncover reveal expose disclose divulge unveil unmask strip bare lay bare open unlock unlatch unfasten untie loose free liberate emancipate release discharge dismiss expel eject oust banish exile ostracize shun avoid ignore neglect overlook disregard forget abandon desert forsake betray deceive lie cheat steal rob plunder pillage ransack raid invade conquer dominate rule command order direct instruct guide lead follow obey adhere conform comply acquiesce submit yield surrender give up relinquish renounce abdicate resign retire retreat withdraw back down turn away walk out leave depart exit flee escape vanish disappear evanesce dissipate dissolve melt evaporate sublimate transition metamorphose evolve change alter modify adjust adapt accommodate assimilate integrate incorporate merge blend fuse unite combine connect link attach join hook tie bind fasten secure anchor fix root ground base found establish institute create invent innovate originally uniquely distinctively characteristically individually personally subjectively objectively collectively universally globally locally regionally nationally internationally cosmically galactically terrestrially spatial-temporality eternality infinity finiteness perpetuality momentariness instantaneity continuity intermittency sporadicity occasional periodic regular frequent rare seldom hard ever never always forevermore henceforth hereafter onward upward downward sideways backward forward diagonal transverse longitudinal latitudinal vertical horizontal radial circumferential tangential peripheral central internal external intrinsic extrinsic inherent innate fundamental primary secondary tertiary quaternary quintual sextual septual octual nonupl decimal fractional proportional relative absolute total complete whole partial fractionation division subdivision partition segmentation section categorization classification grouping clustering aggregation amalgamation synthesis analysis dissection examination scrutiny evaluation assessment judgment rating ranking listing enumeration tabulation chart graph plot map diagram illustration depiction portrayal representation symbolism signification denotation indication suggestion implication inference deduction conclusion reasoning rationalization justification validation verification confirmation corroboration substantiation authentication legitimation legalization formalization institutional standard normal regulation control governance administration oversight supervision monitoring checking inspection review auditing appraisal measurement quantification qualification calibration gauging weighing balancing equality matching pairing coupling twinning doubling tripling quadrupling quintupling sextupling septupling octupling nonupl decimation multiplication division addition subtraction summation totaling averaging mean-median-mode calculation computation processing programming coding decoding encryption decryption compression decompression encoding decoding conversion transformation translation transcription interpretation understanding comprehension grasp realization recognition acknowledgment appreciation valuation esteem admiration respect honor reverence worship adoration idolizing veneration sanctifying glorifying praising lauding acclaim applause cheering hailing celebrating commemorating remembering memorializing immortalizing eternalizing perpetuating preserving conserving protecting safeguarding shielding defending guarding watching observing noticing spotting detecting discovering uncovering revealing exposing disclosing divulging unveiling unmasking stripping bareness laying bare opening unlocking unlatching unfastening untying loosening freeing liberation emancipation releasing discharging dismissals expelling ejections ousting banishments exiles ostracisms shunning avoidance ignoring neglect overlooking disregarding forgetting abandonment desertion forsaking betrayal deception lying cheating stealing robbery plundering pillaging ransacking raids invasions conquests dominations ruling commanding ordering directing instruct guiding leading following obey adhering conform complying acquiescing submitting yielding surrender giving up relinquishing renouncing abdicating resign retiring retreat withdrawing backing down turning away walking out leaving departing exiting fleeing escaping vanishing disappearing evanescing dissipating dissolving melting evaporating sublimating transitioning metamorphosing evolving changing altering modifying adjusting adapting accommodating assimilating integrating incorporating merging blending fusing unit combining connecting linking attaching joining hooking tying binding fastening securing anchoring fixing rooting grounding bas founding establishing instituting creating invent innovatively originally uniquely distinct characteristic individual personal subjective objective collective universal global local regional national international cosmic galactic terrestrial spatial temporal eternity infinitude finitude perpetual momentary instantaneous continuous intermittent sporadic occasional periodic regular frequent rare seldom hard ever never always forevermore henceforth hereafter onward upward downward sideways backward forward diagonal transverse longitudinal latitudinal vertical horizontal radial circumferential tangential peripheral central internal external intrinsic extrinsic inherent innate fundamental primary secondary tertiary quaternary quintal sextal septal oktal nontal decimal fractional proportional relative absolute total complete whole partial fraction dividing subdividing partition segment categorizing classifying grouping clustering aggregating amalgam synthes analyzing dissect examining scrutin evaluating assessing judging rating ranking listing enumer tabulating chart plotting mapping diagram illustrating depicting portraying representing symboliz signifying denoting indicating suggesting implying inferring deducing concluding reasoning rationaliz justifying validating verifying confirming corroborat substanti authentic legitim legaliz formaliz institut standard normal regul controlling govern administr overseeing supervis monitoring checking inspecting reviewing auditing appraising measuring quantif qualifying calibr gauging weighing balancing equaling matching pairing coupling twinning doubling tripling quadrupl quintupl sex tupl sept upl okt upl nont upl decim multiplying dividing adding subtract summ totaling averaging mean median mode calculating computing processing programming coding decoding encrypt decrypt compress decompress encoding converting transforming translating transcribing interpreting understanding comprehending grasp realizing recognizing acknowledging appreciating valu esteeming admiring respecting honoring reverencing worshipping adoring idol vener sanctif glorify prais lauding acclaim applauding cheering hailing celebrating commemor remember memor immortaliz eternal preserv conserv protect safeguard shield defend guard watch observ noticing spotting detecting discovering uncover revealing exposing disclos divul unveil unm stripping bar laying bare opening unlocking unlatching unfaste untie loos freeing liber emancip releasing discharg dismiss expel eject oust banish exil ostrac shunning avoiding ignor neglect overlook disregarding forgetting abandoning desertion forsaking betraying deceiving lying cheating stealing robbing plundering pillaging ransacking raiding invading conqu dominat ruling commanding ordering directing instruct guiding leading following obey adhering conform complying acquiesc submitting yielding surrender giving up relinquish renouncing abdic resign retiring retreat withdrawing backing down turning away walking out leaving departing exiting fleeing escaping vanishing disappearing evanescing dissip dissolv melting evapor sublim transitioning metam evolving changing altering modifying adjusting adapting accommodating assimil integrating incorpor merging blending fusing unit combining connecting linking attaching joining hooking tying binding fastening securing anchoring fixing rooting grounding bas founding establishing instituting creating invent innovatively originally uniquely distinct characteristic individual personal subjective objective collective universal global local regional national international cosmic galactic terrestrial spatial temporal eternity infinitude finitude perpetual momentary instantaneous continuous intermittent sporadic occasional periodic regular frequent rare seldom hard ever never always forevermore henceforth hereafter onward upward downward sideways backward forward diagonal transverse longitudinal latitudinal vertical horizontal radial circumferent tangenti peripher centr intern extern intrins extrins inher innat fundament primar second terti quart quin sex seve o eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million billion trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion octillion nonillion decillion undecillion duodecillion tredecillion quattuordecillion quinquadecill sexdecill septecen o eight nine twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million billion trillion quadrill quintrill sextrill septecen o eight nine twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million billion trillion quadrilli quintrilli sextrilli septecen o eight nine twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million billion trillion quadrilli quintrilli sextrilli septecen o eight nine twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million billion trillion quadrilli quintrilli sextrilli septecen o eight nine twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million billion trillion quadrill quintrill sextrill septecen o eight nine twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million billion trillion quadrill quintrill sextrill septecen o eight nine twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million billion trillion quadrilli quintri

Alex Thompson
Alex Thompson
Alex Thompson is a Senior Writer for HockeyMonitor. With a background in Sports Media, Alex joined the team in 2022. He focuses on providing the latest hockey news, game scores, and fresh NHL trade rumors.

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